What makes us unique.



Easy in, easy out. Customers love how easy it is to Junk their cars with us! Although we can’t make and deliver a pizza in 30 minutes or less Jcomp is a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best Scrap Yard in Northeast Ohio.


“Sweatin', in the sun
Felt like a million
Felt like number one
The height of summer
I'd never felt that strong
Like a rock

Like a rock, standin', arrow straight
Like a rock, chargin', from the gate
Like a rock, carryin', the weight
Like a rock…”

Our product and service never fails. Bob Seger says the best “Like a rock, I was strong as I could be”. Indeed, Jcomp stands as strong as it could be!

Superior Customer Service.

We are always here for our customers. We give them peace of mind. They know they can count on us and our staff.